Epic Solutions


Transforming Lives

Working is a core part of our existence – whether it is part-time or full-time, doing something we love or something which we would rather do less of. The average person will spend 25-30% of their week doing some form of work to earn an income.

Some people come through our training because they want to start their own business but there are also a number of others who would prefer to have a corporate job somewhere but are unable to find one, so starting their own business is a vital alternative. Especially for those people who are not entrepreneurial this training can help to get them going in running a business. We teach all the basics of business, like budgeting, marketing, supply & demand, record-keeping, pricing products, managing risk.

There is a practical that is run during the training and here they get to put into practice what they have learnt. It is wonderful to see when they come back and they have been successful. As the one lady in SE Asia said “I can do it!!” She had come into the training through a rehabilitation programme after being abused and had no self-confidence. Yes – she could do it – we just helped to unlock that for her.