Epic Solutions


Team - Bruce1

Bruce is Joint-Managing Director of EPIC Solutions and has 23 years’ experience in business with 10 as an international executive leader in areas of supply chain, strategy and business turnaround.  Since 2010, he has been a business trainer & start-up coach working mainly with the poor and marginalised – both locally and internationally.  He is also the CEO the Epic Business Academy which aims to equip and resource entrepreneurs to plan, launch, grow & sustain small to medium sized businesses that will have a transforming impact on their stakeholder community.  He continues to provide specialised consulting services in the oil and gas sector and has lectured in Entrepreneurship in a Masters programme at UCT.  He holds a BSc. Chemical Engineering (UCT) & an MBA (UCT).

Team - Laura

Laura is the Founder and Joint-Managing Director of Epic Solutions.  She has spent the past 23 years reaching out to people in need around the world.  She got involved with relief work after the war in Kosovo in 1999 and began using the BEST Training in 2006 to assist the poor and marginalised to start small businesses.   Laura has trained both locally and in international cross-cultural contexts.

